About Us

Farnham Medical Centre is highly patient-focused, and we have a multidisciplinary approach to patients’ health care. We aim to deliver the best for our patients by combining the skills of the practice team with other health and social care workers in the community.

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Vision Statement

“We will help our patients maintain a healthy lifestyle from birth until the end of life”

Our Values

We will place patients at the center of everything we do and in every decision that we make

We will foster a culture of inclusion and fairness; we will never discriminate on the basis of race, colour, religion, gender, gender expression, age, nationality, disability, marital status or sexual orientation

We will support patients in caring for themselves and empowering them to improve and maintain their own health

We recognize that a caring doctor may at times have to challenge and confront as well as listen and support

We will deliver personalized and efficient care

We will endeavor to remain a family practice with doctors that know you and your family whilst embracing modern advances in medical practice

We will promote shared decision making between patients and carers

We will recognize that sometimes we get things wrong and, when if this happens, being quick to apologize, make corrections where we can and learn from our mistakes

We will. at all times, act ethically and with honesty and integrity

We will endeavor to maintain a clean, safe, welcoming environment within the practice

We will not tolerate any form of abuse towards our clinicians and staff and will act quickly towards such behaviors in the most appropriate way

We are committed to the care of all of our staff and will promote a happy working atmosphere

All clinical staff will stay up to date with the latest best practice and relevant medical developments and are committed to continuous professional development

We will ensure that all staff feel that there is an atmosphere of shared ownership of these values and an ability to shape them into the future

We will continue to provide high quality training to future health professionals, including doctors and nurses

Our Promises

To continue to work with patients to achieve high quality care

To move towards more efficient, integrated and resilient systems of care

To continue to embrace and seek out advances in technology to the advantage of our patients

To adapt to the increasing number of patients who have multiple long term conditions that require complex medical care delivered in their community or home

To continually promote healthy lifestyles and behaviors while engaging patients and communities in supporting their won care and participating in shared decision making

To deliver high quality, compassionate end of life care

To work with our Primary Care Network and Collaboration and other care providers spanning traditional primary , secondary and social care boundaries while at the same time maintaining what the patients feel familiar with

To ensure that your medical records are safe and secure and only accessed when appropriate to your care, unless you inform us otherwise

To continually explore the possibilities of delivering more health care online

To continue to embrace and explore research, development and quality improvement

To aspire to have longer consultation times to adequately address problems in the context of family, work and home

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